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God's Sovereignty & Your Security.09.10.2023 Genesis 50
Consequences & Blessings Pt 209.03.2023 Genesis 49
Consequences & Blessings Pt 108.27.2023 Genesis 49
Grace Surprises.08.20.2023 Genesis 48
The Exiles Prosper.08.13.2023 Genesis 47
Reunion & Relocation.08.06.2023 Genesis 46
Jesus Loves Doubters.07.30.2023 John 20:24-31
From God's Wrath to God's Grace07.23.2023 Ephesians 2:1-10
Fratricide to Forgiven.07.16.2023 Genesis 45
Wretches Transformed.07.09.2023 Genesis 44
Mercy.07.02.2023 Genesis 43
Guilt & Grace.06.25.2023 Genesis 42
From Prisoner to Prime Minister06.18.2023 Genesis 41
Dreams & Delays.06.11.2023 Genesis 40
Pit. Palace. Prison.06.04.2023 Genesis 39
From Broken-Down to Breakthrough.05.28.2023 Genesis 38
The Danger of NOT Planning God's Way05.21.2023 Special Guest Speaker, Charles Wulff
Problems & Providence
Problems & Providence (Pt 1)05.07.2023 Genesis 37:1-11
Personal Revival & Evangelism.04.30.2023 Genesis 35
Parental Guidance Required.04.23.2023 Genesis 34
Prodigal Grace.04.16.2023 Genesis 33
Healing Through Pain.04.02.2023 Genesis 32
Time to Move.03.26.2023 Genesis 31
Hope for Dysfunctional Families.03.19.2023 Genesis 30
Love Lost, Love Found.03.05.2023 Genesis 29
Stairway to Heaven.03.05.2023 Genesis 28
Obtaining The Father's Blessing02.26.2023 Genesis 27
Stewarding God's Resources02.19.2023 Guest Speaker Peppy Dutart
Sin, Opposition, & God's Presence02.12.2023 Genesis 26
Scandal & Scandalous Grace.02.05.2023 Genesis 25:19-34
A Lasting Legacy.01.29.2023 Genesis 25:1-18
God The Matchmaker Pt 201.22.2022 Genesis 24
God the Matchmaker Pt 101.15.2023 Genesis 24
How to Respond to Death.01.08.2023 Genesis 23
New Year's Day 202301.01.2023 Special message from psalm 90.
God Will Provide.11.20.2022 Genesis 22:1-19
Being a Good Neighbor.11.06.2022 Genesis 21:22-34
Family Feud.10.30.2022 Genesis 21:8-21
God Keeps His Promises.10.23.2022 Genesis 21:1-7
Stumbling Believer. Good God.10.09.2022 Genesis 20
Friend of the World.10.02.2022 Genesis 19
God's Justice & Mercy.09.25.2022 Genesis 18:16-33
God Comes to Dinner.09.18.2022 Genesis 18:1-15
New Names & Covenant Confirmed.09.11.22 Genesis 17
An Agonizing Shortcut.09.04.2022 Genesis 16
What is a Lifetime Worth Compared to Eternity?Guest Speaker, Dr. Ryan Parker
God's Covenant with Abram.08.21.2022 Genesis 15:7-21
God So Loved.08.14.2022 John 3:16 [Stand alone message]
Old Testament Salvation07.31.2022 Genesis 15:1-6
War & Peace.07.24.2022 Genesis 14
Living by Faith vs. Sight07.17.2022 Genesis 13
God calls Abram.06.26.2022 Genesis 11:24-12:4
Man's Pride meets God's Uncomfortable Grace.06.19.2022 Genesis 11:1-9
Noah's Failure.06.12.2022 - Genesis 9:18-29
God Remembers...06.05.2022 - Genesis 8:1-9:17
Who Does God Save?05.29.2022 - Genesis 6:9-7:24
In-Between Creation & The New Creation05.22.2022 - Special message by guest speaker, Dr. Ryan Parker, "What do we do in-between Creation & the New Creation?"
Descent. Judgment. Grace.05.15.2022 - Genesis 5:25-6:8
Mother's Day Hope & Help05.08.2022 - Special message taught by Pastor Daniel Schuman.
Pleasing God.05.01.2022 - Genesis 5:1-24
The Tale of Two Sons.04.24.2022 - Genesis 4:16-26
*NOTE: Pastor Daniel's audio is corrected after opening announcements. Sermon audio is good. |
Seeing Red.04.03.2022 - Genesis 4:1-16
Why All This Pain? |
Blame-Shifting. |
The Deception & The Fall. |
03.27.2022 - Genesis 3:16-24
03.20.2022 - Genesis 3:7-15
03.13.2022 - Genesis 3:1-7
The First Man. |
God Rests. |
The Origin of Mankind. |
02.27.2022 - The First Man - 2:4-17
02.20.2022 - God Rests - 2:1-3
02.13.2022 - The Origin of Mankind - 1:26-31
Filling The Earth02.06.2022 - Filling The Earth - Genesis 1:14-26
Forming The Earth01.30.2022 - Forming The Earth - Genesis 1:2-13
Introduction: The Beginning01.23.2022